Always on Watch

With our AI-powered Lifeguard, someone is always on duty to ensure nobody gets hurt.

Keeping You Safe

Lifeguard AI can help detect drownings, near-drownings, and when someone is struggling in the water.

Seconds Save Lives

Once we detect a potential drowning, we will immediately alert you on every channel.


Hassle-Free Installation

We get the hardware installed for you by our professionals at no additional cost.

Environmentally Resilient

Lifeguard AI has an IP65 environment rating, which means it can withstand heavy rain and wind.

Keeping Your Data Safe

Our AI algorithm process runs on your local Lifeguard AI system while limiting the amount of personally identifying data that is sent to the cloud computing center.

We are Always-On

Lifeguard AI is an intelligent pool monitor that protects your pool 24/7 with reliable, real-time alerts.

High-Resolution Sensor

Visuals are twice as detailed, which means our AI can see things faster and more clearly.

Fast, Secure & Reliable

We’ve created an intelligent edge-computing platform that processes the camera information in real time at high speed, even with no internet connection.

Your AI Lifeguard Detects

Your AI Lifeguard

Suspicious drowning movements

The system will automatically send out warnings when it detects someone in the water with signs of distress.

If you remain submerged for too long...

The system will alert you that someone has been underwater for too long.

If the system detects someone has entered the pool

Lifeguard AI will start monitoring automatically, keeping everyone safe!

our Video

Lifeguard AI  keeping everyone safe!

Lifeguard Technology

Powerful edge device
Cellular modem
High resolution sensor
Siren and lights
Protective case

Lifeguard Technology

Powerful edge device

Cellular modem

High resolution sensor

Siren and lights

Protective case

We Help You Protect Your Loved Ones!​

When the Alarm is On Something is Happening!

Your lifeguard system continues to improve all the time by learning and tuning the algorithm, so you can enjoy the pool safely.

Privacy Matters! We Take Your Privacy Seriously.

We use all the best-in-class technology to keep your data safe.

24/7/365 - Even When Your Internet is Down!

We are always there keeping our eyes on the pool, making sure no one drowns.

Customers' Voices